Wednesday 29 April 2015

Are you OBESE??

Obesity is the abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cells.
You can find out yourself whether you are underweight,normal range or overweight by calculating your own BMI(Body Mass Index).

BMI = Weight in KG divided by Height in meter square.

For example,adult weight 70 kg and height is 175 cm/1.75 m
BMI=70/1.75 x 1.75
        = 22.9

Nornal range is      18.50-24.99

Underweight  less /< 18.50

Overweight      >25.00
Pre-obese           25.00-29.99
Obese class I      30.00-34.99
Obese class II     35.00-39.99
Obese class III    > 40

Are you obese??

Obesity cause numbers of problems which includes Hypertension,Diabetes,gall bladder disease and coronary heart disease and certain types of cancer etc.

How to control obesity?
Control of obesity centers around weight reduction.
1)Dietary changes
  Proportion of carbohydrates and fats should be reduce
  Increase fibers content of food
 Adequate levels of essential nutrients in the low energy diet

2)Increased physical activities
   Regular exercise

And others.

Hope this s helpful?

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