Tuesday 28 April 2015

Risk factors of Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease/CHD is seen more in older age group.
The incidence increase with age and male are more affected.

Risk factors for CHD includes-

-Cigarette smoking
-High blood pressure
-Elevated serum cholesterol
-Sedentary habits

The degree of risk of developing CHD is directly related to number of cigarette smoked per day.

How to protect your self from developing coronary heart disease??

1)Modified diet
    -Reduce consumption of fats to 20-30% of total energy intake
    -Limit the consumption of saturated fats to less than 10% of total energy intake
    -Reduce dietary cholesterol consumption
    -Avoid alcohol,reduce salt intake to 5 gm daily
2)Absolute stopping of smoking
3)Reduce blood pressure
  -Reduce salt intake
  -Avoid  high alcohol intake
  -Regular exercise
  -Weight cotrol
4)Physical activity-regular exercise

Stay healthy-

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