Saturday 25 April 2015

"THE BEST GIFT"-From Darkness to Light

I am from a very poor family who grows up in a remotest village.My parents spent almost everything for my studies.
They spent sleepless nights and eat less days for me.They never dream of wearing a good clothes,despite of all these,I never respected and loved them.I never obeyed them.
I was a hardcore alcoholic.My parents always reminded me but I took it for granted.
And when I was in 8 standard,I was caught with tobacco packet inside the class.I was expelled from the hostel, suspended from classes for 7 days and imposed ₹5000 fine.It was my dad who stood by me,he came all the way from village.
He requested school principal to forgive and reconsider me but in vain,and I still remember there was no thousands rupees in dad's pocket at that time to pay the fine,he took loan to pay my fine. 
I was all the same stupid, naughty,bad guy even after all these. 

When I was in class 10, I stayed with cousin brother far away from village.
During Christmas, parents allowed me to stay in Mon town and prepare for metric, I kept brother cousin as my helper. 
On Christmas day,dad sent me some money but I spent it for vodka and whisky. I was ugly drunk that night and fought a few fights  with others.My cousin told me that he found me lying on the roadside at night and brought me home.
It was the turning night of my life.
I was awakened in the middle of the night by a scary dreams.
In my dreams,there were two persons, dressed poorly,sitting on chairs.One stood up and that was my dad then he asked me ''Akaai(me),what are you doing here? Have I asked you to do these? I have sent you here only for study,What had happened to you? Look at my clothes?,look at my empty stomach?,look at your mom,look at her torn clothes,look at us we don't even have a shirts to wear,there is nothing to eat at home,we toils hard for your school fees. Many a times we go to bed with empty stomach,many a times we wakes up to eat nothing, tonight is the Christmas night, you should be praying for your parents,instead you came home drunk? Is this a Christmas gift for us?? Don't you pity your mom??Why are you doing this,why?''
Then mom stood up and said ''Yes Akaai,your dad is right,If you do this again,we will leave you forever''.Then mom asked ''Will you stop this??''. I said nothing,then she called dad telling that they will leave me, and as they walked out,I shouted mom, mom,dad? please don't leave me.I cried and as I got up from the bed to follow them,I woke up,and I found myself crying.As I cried aloud,my cousin woke up and started to scold me telling that he came only to help me study.

I couldn't sleep thereafter,lots of questions started flowing into my mind.I took out those whisky bottles that I kept in my room,and I kneed down and prayed to God to take away all bad things.I spitted and threw them away from my life forever.WHY because I wanted to give a real gift to my parents
So from that day,I tried to be a good boy, I wanted to study hard, I wanted to be a child that my parents wished for.So I studied hard and I was the 1st student to bring highest marks in metric examination and I was the 1st science student,and also the 1st MBBS student from our village.

When my parents knew that I quit drinking,when they knew that I have become a God fearing boy,when they knew that I have become a good student,when they knew that I was going to study MBBS,my parents were the happiest and proudest persons on earth.
I may not be able to give them lakhs of rupees,I may not be able to give them good food and clothes,even if I get a job,I may not be able to give them or they may not be alive by that time,but all I wanted to give them was the happiness.I wanted to make them feel proud.I wanted to see happiness and smile into their poor eyes.
I tell you friends,the love, respect, happiness and obedience that you give your parents will be the best gift.
They may be happy to take lakhs of rupees from you but that's momentary. Every parents wants to see their children as good God fearing students not involving in those bad/illegal activities,and becoming one of them would be your best gift to them.You may be a brilliant student but if you involve in those sinful activities,if you don't fear God,then I don't think your parents will be really happy.
When I started studying MBBS,my parents were the proudest to tell that their son was studying MBBS.
It was my dad who used to go around telling everyone that his son was studying MBBS, and that proud feelings and happiness was all I wanted to give my poor dad..I wanted to get the MBBS degree certificate and give him and make him feel prouder than ever but unfortunately he couldn't wait for me and he passed away 1 year after I joined MBBS.. Of course I'm not satisfied that he left me before completion of my studies,yet I'm satisfied that I made him proud,I gave him happiness,more precious than a gold or diamonds. What more could I give him than being a good child to him. And I hope he'd be happy and proud even on the way to paradise to talk about me. ''Aren't you Daddy??,
Isn't my gift a best gift I can give to you? Does it mean more than a lakhs of rupees to you?''

So my Dear friends,I'm sure every parents wants love,respect,and obedience rather than lakhs of rupees. I consider myself as my best gift to my parents,what's your best gift??. 

(Hope my testimony changes someone's life)

Thank you for reading

God bless you.

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